Wednesday, April 19, 2006

Shop name explanation

'Otogi no Kuni' is Japanese. 'Otogi' is used in the phrase 'Otogibanashi' which means fairytale. 'No Kuni' means 'the country of'. Therefore, Otogi no Kuni means Wonderland, or Never-Never Land or Otherland (and any other such name).

I chose to use a Japanese phrase because I live in Japan. I chose that particular phrase because although I am a geek of many geeky things, I am primarily a geek of Fantasy. Also, the Kanji (Asian characters) I chose to phonetically represent my name for fun includes the kanji 'togi' (although I use a different pronunciation for my name).

In my mind, Otogi no Kuni represents the places my mind goes when I am daydreaming. I often get ideas for Cafepress designs while I am daydreaming. That is why my shop is named so.

Friday, April 14, 2006

New Design!

I uploaded a new design; Midori.

The letters are Japanese Hiragana. They are pronounced as Midori.

Midori can mean either 'green' or 'three birds'. Yeah, bad pun, I know; but after getting the idea I just couldn't not turn it into a design.

If you want me to adapt the design for any other products or change it to the pocket position on the t-shirts, leave a comment below.

Wednesday, April 05, 2006

New News Blog

Hi! I am Togiren. I am the shop owner of Otogi no Kuni. I created this page in order to post news relating to my shop.

If you have any requests, please leave a comment on the end of any post here. For example, if you like one of my images but it is not available on the product you would like to buy, please tell me. I am also willing to add/remove back images and switch images between pocket and centre positions. It is simple to do; please just let me know.